Input Lists
Agricultural inputs are defined as products permitted for use in organic farming. These include feedstuffs, fertilizers and permitted plant protection products as well as cleaning agents and additives used in food production.
All listed products can be retrieved here. Products can be filtered by country, category, name or company name. It is also possible to generate a confirmation of conformity for each individual product or for all products sold by a particular company. Every year a catalogue of all products that have been evaluated is sent to all Austrian organic enterprises.
The list is mandatory for Bio Suisse producers. As a general rule, only products contained in the input list (available in German or French) may be used on Bio Suisse holdings.
For holdings producing to the standards of the Swiss Ordinance on Organic Farming, the Annex to the «Ordinance of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) on organic farming» (EVDV, SR 910.181) is mandatory.
If you have any questions, please contact either bio.inspecta AG or Austria Bio Garantie.